Monday, May 2, 2011

One of THOSE Days

Today I had my final Political Science class for the semester!

And it's made me decide (with, say, 75% surity) to change my major.  Seriously.

Considering this is my first semester at Cedar Crest, I've been slow in passing judgement for any of my teachers.  Every school has its own "flavor," and I didn't want to decide that a teacher was crazy when this might just the way things are done here.  But now I can say with a fair degree of surity that this teacher in question is just OFF on his own planet.  Unfortunately, he is the professor I would be stuck with for a large percentage of classes if I stick with my existing plan of graduating with a Political Science degree.

And aside from the teacher's insanity, I am starting to get an itch in the back of my mind that's saying that this major is just not quite my thing . . .

I find political topics quite interesting, but learning about the court system and this and that bill and policy is enough to drive me up the wall.  I'm thinking this might not be quite my bag.

I'm off to the registrar's office to inquire.  I don't know how much of a bind this would put me in as far as classes and schedules and graduating.  Hopefully not to much of one . . . but I've been wrong before.

ADDENDUM: He also forgot to bring/use the course evaluation sheets.  I hope that failure to do so automatically results in a meeting with the provost.  It was my impression that course evaluations were mandatory at Cedar Crest . . . but who knows.  It wouldn't surprise me if he just blew them off.

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