Thursday, April 26, 2012

Blast from the Not-So-Past

Long time no post.  Such is life.

I'm really trying to get away from Facebooking and more into blogging again - I like the "archival" nature of blogs, more than the you-know-it's-there-but-can't-quite-find-this-thing-you-linked-to nature of items posted on Facebook.  Also, considering apparently your future employers can find out any and everything you post on Facebook, and I haven't heard too much about the career-busting disasterousness of blogs, they seem "safer".  Maybe that's just because they're not as popular as Facebook, or harder to find, who knows.

Anyway, the video I posted up at the beginning of this post is the full-length version of the song used in the Intro for Mad Men.  Though I personally couldn't care less about Man Men the show (I watched the first episode on an airplane, it didn't hook me enough to ever consider watching more), this song is pretty funky.  I like the simplicity yet grooviness of it, though I do find it funny that it is used for the introduction a "retro" show, considering this sounds somewhat modern-lounge-techno-y.  But it does fit will with the opening title art (which, if you haven't seen it already, is very clever and endlessly spoofable, definitely do a YouTube search for it), so what do I know.

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