Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Packing Prep

So, in less than two weeks, I will be leaving for my study abroad trip to South Korea.  As a result, I have recently started on the arduous task of sorting and processing my possessions for the aforementioned trip.

While most people are selective when they pack, only picking out the items that the like and putting them in their suitcase, I follow a slightly different approach.  I start by assuming I could take EVERYTHING I own, and then gradually sort out what I don't want.   So, in this case, considering I am going to a South Asian country in monsoon season, the first things to be eliminated are sweaters and coats, along with boots and hats. 

I know it might seem absurd to pack in this way, of starting big and pairing down, but it works for me.  If I just picked out the things I wanted to take, I would constantly be plagued by the feeling I had forgotten something.  Using my method, that is impossible.  (The only area for mistakes is in that I might use faulty reasoning as to what I need to bring or not.)  Also, I typically find a few items that I no longer need in the process, and a side benefit of packing this way is that I clean out my closet.

As I only ever really get into the physical process of packing within 48 hours before departure, I haven't actually begun packing anything yet, but I have begun mentally considering what it is that I have and don't need to take.  So far I have successfully ruled out the sweaters and coats and things mentioned above, along with a number of purses and bags, and party dresses. 

Also, I have decided I don't need a large flashlight or toolbox, or more than one or two pairs of pajamas.

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