Oh hey, White House, you've published a copy of Obama's birth certificate. I'll get to that in a minute.
Currently I'm watching MSNBC while Donald Trump runs away at the mouth babbling like an idiot commenting on the "progress" he's made by annoying the US government into releasing the birth certificate. Wow. Yeah, my BIGGEST CONCERN in this world was the certificate. Like I honestly thought that throughout the ENTIRE election process, NO ONE checked to see if Obama was qualified to actual become president. Is this honestly at the top of a lot of people's "To Be Concerned About" lists? Not global warming, or global poverty, or national poverty, or inflation, or the failing education system . . . nah, the thing that keeps people up at night was that damn certificate. Yeah. Right.
God, he is annoying. To be honest, I have somehow manged to avoid hearing him talk up to this point (I don't watch a lot of TV news, and I also much be very lucky). He reminds me of the stereotypical abusive football jock who rules the high school just because he talks big and no one's quite sure how to take him down. He just asked a reporter "Are you intelligent?" Yeah. That's exactly who I want to have running my country. An abusive insulting guy who intimidates everyone. I suppose the good news is that he seems to have gotten his comb-over under more control than when I last saw it.
To be fair, I'm sure he has some degree of education and intelligence. He is successful, and must know something about something to have gotten where he is. But he has a serious ego issue. And should take some classes in speech delivery. He is shouting at everyone like the reporters are half-deaf disobedient children.
Anyone, on to the certificate. Frankly, I'm not sure how I feel about the White House releasing the copy of the birth certificate. I think it's good because maybe it'll get the Birthers (*gag* I hate that term. It makes me very uncomfortable and my skin crawl, like the word "wifey") to maybe shut up. Of course, people who want to complain and find fault with anything and bleat about it until someone takes notice. And it's almost embarrassing that the White House has to stoop down to the Birthers' level to print out a copy of the certificate and go "See? Here it is . . . "
Wow. I'm typing this as the press conference goes on, and Obama just commented that on actual issues (he mentioned National Security), he would never get the kind of network coverage that is being given to this. He's right. Why do we care so much about this issue that doesn't matter as much as, oh, anything else in the world? We as a nation are easily distracted from what really matters.
Note: If you want to see a copy of the certificate, all it takes is a quick Google, it's all over the sites. In this case, I don't feel it necessary to endorse one particular site by posting a link.
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