Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Creation out of an Escape from Facebook

Dear all who have found this post through one avenue or another —

As should be obvious from the title, this blog was created from the desire to escape from Facebook.  "Why?" one might ask.  Well, because Facebook is entirely absorbing and somewhat addicting, much like other hobbies of mine, such as organizing the closet. With the endless number of profiles and people to search for, and the albums upon albums of photos to look for, I was spending more time in the virtual world just poking (poking in the non-Facebook sense) around, then actually doing anything.  Though, I must say, I will greatly miss all of the people I have found on Facebook and who I have been able to contact through that wondrous device.  However, after successfully navigating my way through my first semester of college, I have decided to spend my time cultivating hobbies that are more — oh, perhaps, productive?  (Dear, that does seem harsh.  I mean no harm to those who still use Facebook!) Like writing.  I have always enjoyed writing, and perhaps having some incentive to write (like seeing it up on the World Wide Web in glorious HTML) would be a lovely way to nurture such a hobby.  So.  I hope you shall return to see what comes of this new interest.  Perhaps nothing.  We shall see.


1 comment:

Chrissie Momo said...

Baby H!!!!! I'm the first person to comment on your new bloggy! How cool is dat? I miss uuuu soooo big. And to think, I just saw you! Oh. Don't forget you coming to our house for New Years, kk? Good. WUB YOU! Bub byes!